Snowmobile Event
Timber Lakes FirehouseEat a pancake breakfast, learn about the snowmobile easement and safely having fun, and win some awesome prizes.
Eat a pancake breakfast, learn about the snowmobile easement and safely having fun, and win some awesome prizes.
All owners are invited to attend the public portion of the meeting via Zoom, starting at 7 pm.
Santa's Mailbox is ready to receive children's letters. It is located outside the office. If you put your child's name, age, address and Lot # on the back of the envelope, Santa will write back and his elves will deliver his response to your doorstep and leave it under the entry mat to await discovery. Santa's mailbox will disappear December 23 at noon.
Please help Sun for Santa provide food bags for children in need in Wasatch County. 16-ounce plastic jars of peanut butter and boxes of 6 packets of microwave popcorn. Last day to drop off at the Timber Lakes Office is Wednesday, December 4
Santa and Mrs. Claus will greet children and have a craft kit for them to take home. We will have hot soups for everyone. Cookie decorations for the kids. A special 6 PM performance by our Wasatch High School Chamber Choir. Come ring in the holidays together.
All owners are invited to attend the public portion of the meeting via Zoom, starting at 7 pm.
Come to the Snowmobile Easement Entrance, grab a coffee or hot cocoa and a donut, learn about our snowmobile easement, and take a short tour on your own snowmobile with some of our riders. NO SPACE FOR CARS, so please come on your snowmobile.
All owners are invited to attend the public portion of the meeting via Zoom, starting at 7 pm.
All owners are invited to attend the public portion of the meeting via Zoom, starting at 7 pm.
Details will be forthcoming
All owners are invited to attend the public portion of the meeting via Zoom, starting at 7 pm.