Events for June 1, 2024 - February 20, 2024

Mag Chloride Application

Blue Spruce and Timber Lakes Drive. Try to avoid these roads. If you have to use them, keep your speed at at maximum of 5 mph to avoid splashing the mag chloride onto your vehicle.

Coyote Gulch MTB Volunteers Needed

This could be our final community volunteer weekend to finish the work needed on the Coyote Gulch MTB trail project. We’ll be up there with tools from 9:00-12:00 both days (Saturday and Sunday). A small section is all that is left of the new trail to groom. Once the new section is finished there is some touch up on the old top section needed, mostly just trimming branches.

TLPOA Board Meeting

Owners are invited to attend the public portion of the meeting via Zoom, starting at 7 pm.

Log Arch Entrance Removal

We are planning to remove the arch at the entrance this Wednesday early morning. We plan to start between 5:30 and 6:00 in the morning before we have too much traffic in the area. We don't plan to block the exit except for equipment relocation and for any unforeseen issues, but will keep blockage to a minimum. Thank you for your understanding of any delays this may cause, but we will work as quickly as we can.

Last day to vote for TLPOA Board

TLPOA must RECEIVE your Board ballot(s) by the end of business today in order for your choices to be included in the count.

Annual Meeting


All owners are invited to join us for our annual meeting. We will email you the Zoom link as we get closer to the date.

Moose Trail Volunteer Day

Moose Trail needs some TLC. Meet at the Moose Trail parking area on Racoon at 9:00 am. We need a couple of chainsaws and other trail tools (clippers, snippers, etc.) Wear sturdy shoes or boots, gloves, and eye protection. Bring water! Call Jeff at 801-277-2393 or email utmeierhofer@gmail for more info.

TLPOA Board Meeting

All owners are invited to attend the public portion of the meeting via Zoom, starting at 7 pm.

TLPOA Board Meeting

All owners are invited to attend the public portion of the meeting via Zoom, starting at 7 pm.

Timber Lakes Fire Safety Day

Timber Lakes Firehouse

Learn how to: Improve fire safety around your home, Create a family fire emergency plan, Use a fire extinguish (practice on a real fire), Locate the Timber Lakes fire escape routes, Apply first aid for burns and smoke inhalation, and more. Bring the kids for fun activities and cupcakes.

TLPOA Board Meeting

All owners are invited to attend the public portion of the meeting via Zoom, starting at 7 pm.

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