Construction Information
Ready to build, remodel, add a shed, garage, driveway, or any other improvement to the land or structures?
Before applying for a permit with Wasatch County, we require you to obtain building plan approval from Timber Lakes. Prior to starting your application with us, you, the property owner, are required to verify with the County they will allow you to build on your lot in accordance with their perc testing, building, and fire regulations. Receiving Timber Lakes building plan approval is much easier when you submit all required information at one time. Please follow the instructions below for submitting your building plan application and documentation. The application will be returned if the required information and documentation is incomplete and you will have to resubmit the entire packet. After two failed submissions, we will require you to observe a minimum 30-day delay before you can submit your application again. Please schedule an appointment to review requirements to avoid issues.
Architectural Application
The Architectural Application process is now live on the homeowner portal, TownSq. All construction related applications will now be processed electronically via this feature. This will allow for a more streamlined process and a quicker overall turnaround on project review and approval.
Please sign into your Townsq Account and click on Architectural Review to get started.
There is a helpful document on this process on TownSq under Documents & Architectural Documents – “Before you start your Architectural Review Request”.
Please reach out to Ken Horne with any questions on this process TLPOAMM@CSSHOA.COM