Fire Safety & Emergency Preparedness

Every owner on the Mountain is responsible for contributing to and fostering a safe environment in which we can live and play. Common sense and some advance planning provide a good start for promoting a safe and pleasant place for all owners, our families and friends.

Fire Restrictions

 You can find more information about fires, fire restrictions and updates at

No Open Fires or Fireworks

Timber Lakes has a Zero-Tolerance Open Fires and Fireworks Policy. We must take this seriously – the consequences may be too great! Please remind your family, guests and neighbors of our rules and the reason we have them. Report any dangerous activity (especially during wildfire season) to TLPOA security at (435) 200-9542 and, when necessary, the Fire Department at 911 – both of whom will issue citations.

Timber Lakes Fire Station

2085 Timber Lakes Drive
Wasatch County and Wasatch County Fire District have constructed a volunteer fire station to serve the residents of the Timber Lakes Community. The station provides storage of fire apparatus to allow for faster response times to residents in the Timber Lakes community during all seasons and road conditions.

Equipment housed at the Timber Lakes Station includes:

  • GMC Structural/Wildland fire apparatus
  • 1200 gallon tactical wildland water tender
  • 4000 gallon AM General water tender
  • 2 Wildland fast attack trucks

For more information about the the Wasatch County Fire District, visit their website by clicking here.

Fire District Letter to Timber Lakes Owners

The Wasatch County Fire Chief has written a letter to property owners in Timber Lakes. You can download that letter by clicking here ==> Fire District Letter for Timber Lakes.

Fire District Information About Fire Rating

The Wasatch County Fire District has posted a FAQ addressing Fire Rating for home owner’s insurance. You can see that FAQ by clicking here.

Emergency Notification System

Wasatch County has created a communications system that notifies residents of local emergency situations, such as fire, flood, toxic environmental issues and other urgencies. This system is a “reverse 911” notification. As you know, in the event of an emergency, you can dial 911 and be connected with police, fire or medical emergency dispatchers. With the Emergency Notification System, the County will contact you to inform you of an emergency in the area. Timber Lakes owners can register with the County to be placed in the Emergency Notification database. You can elect to be notified by text, email, or by a call to your home, mobile or work.

To register for the Wasatch County Emergency Notification System, click here.