Events for April 19 - August 26, 2023

TLPOA Board Meeting

Owners are invited to attend the public portion of the meeting via Zoom, starting at 7 pm.

Disc Tournament

First-ever Timber Lakes Disc Tournament at Jones Lake Common Area - Must RSVP - See owners only website for details.

Community Yard Sale

Lower parking lot by the package shed - See owners only website for details.

TLPOA Board Meeting

Owners are invited to attend the public portion of the meeting via Zoom, starting at 7 pm.

Fall Festival

Holiday Market 10AM-3PM at the Fire House Chili Cook-ff 1-3 PM at the Fire House Trunk or Treat 5PM at the Package Shed Parking Lot

TLPOA Board Meeting

Owners are invited to attend the public portion of the meeting via Zoom, starting at 7 pm.

Snowmobile Summit

Mountain Breakfast, Winter Gear Swap, Backcountry Sledding Training @ Timber Lakes Shop

TLPOA Board Meeting

Owners are invited to attend the public portion of the meeting via Zoom, starting at 7 pm.

Holiday Party

Refreshments, Santa and Mrs. Claus, Fire Trucks @ Timber Lakes Fire House

TLPOA Board Meeting


Owners are invited to attend the public portion of the meeting via Zoom, starting at 7 pm.

TLPOA Board Meeting


Owners are invited to attend the public portion of the meeting via Zoom, starting at 7 pm.

Water Company Rate Increase Hearing

Timber Lakes Water Special Service District has scheduled its FEBRUARY meeting for FEBRUARY 21, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. at the Wasatch County Building located at 25 North Main St. in the Council Chambers, Heber City, Utah. The District will discuss the proposed water rate increase in the meeting and then hold a public hearing at 6:00 pm to take public comment from Timber Lakes owners, limited to 2 minutes per person, on the District’s 2023 proposed rate increase. Timber Lakes owners are invited and welcome to attend in person or via Zoom. Join Zoom Meeting

Movie Night

Timber Lakes shop behind the firehouse. Movie will begin at 7:30, please bring your own camp chairs. Hot cocoa bar and popcorn available.

TLPOA Board Meeting


Owners are invited to attend the public portion of the meeting via Zoom, starting at 7 pm.

Easter Egg Hunt

Easter Egg Hunt and Pancake Breakfast at the event tent in front of the Timber Lakes Office. Eat pancakes and meet the Easter Bunny.

TLPOA Board Meeting


Owners are invited to attend the public portion of the meeting via Zoom, starting at 7 pm.

TLPOA Board Meeting


Owners are invited to attend the public portion of the meeting via Zoom, starting at 7 pm.

Potluck Picnic

Last Day of School Potluck Picnic at Jones Lake. Timber Lakes Drive, turn left at the Fire Station.

Breakfast with the Board and the Candidates

Q&A with the Board and Candidates for the Board in front of the Timber Lakes Office. Come find out about what's going on, owner committees, and opportunities to get involved. Come Hungry.

TLPOA Board Meeting


Owners are invited to attend the public portion of the meeting via Zoom, starting at 7 pm.

3rd Annual Art Festival

Join us at Jones Lake for our 3rd Annual Art Festival featuring Timber Lakes artists, crafters, and musicians.

Annual Meeting

The Annual Meeting of the Timber Lakes Property Owners Association via Zoom.

Work Day @ Jones Lake/Disc Golf Trail

Please bring clippers, gloves, and a black trash bag. We will work as a team to remove invasive species (weeds, not wildlife) from the area.

TLPOA Board Meeting


Owners are invited to attend the public portion of the meeting via Zoom, starting at 7 pm.

Timber Lakes Drive-in Movie

Toy Story — Lower Parking Lot — Movie begins at 8:30 pm — Candy, Popcorn, Water — Sound will be transmitted to your car FM radio – If you prefer not o use your car battery please being a portable FM radio — There will also be space in the front for camp chair seating – Please be courteous to the neighbors in nearby homes as you leave

Community Yard Sale

Lower Parking Lot by the Package Shed. Check your email for more details. If we don't have your email, please contact the office.

Help with Danger Bridge

We need help to carry dimensional lumber down from the parking lot to Danger Bridge at 9:00 a.m. Please call Jeff at 801-277-2393 if you can make it for this enhancement to Danger Bridge and the Moose trail.

TLPOA Board Meeting


Owners are invited to attend the public portion of the meeting via Zoom, starting at 7 pm.

Meet the Road Crew

Come meet our road crew members at the shop.

TLPOA Board Meeting


Owners are invited to attend the public portion of the meeting via Zoom, starting at 7 pm.

TLPOA Board Meeting


Owners are invited to attend the public portion of the meeting via Zoom, starting at 7 pm.

Snowmobile & Winter Gear Swap

Join us at the Timber Lakes Firehouse for a pancake breakfast and winter gear swap. Meet your snowmobiling neighbors and learn about the access easement. To participate in the gear swap, bring your items on hangers, tagged with your price, and your Venmo scannable ID. Please bring a table or a rack to display your items.

Annual Christmas Event

Timber Lakes Firehouse. You won't want to miss this one! We have it on good authority that Santa and Mrs. Clause will be attending and possibly carry Santa’s Christmas Bag full of goodies for the kids! And we believe The Grinch did not want to be outdone and is planning on attending as well! To keep everyone warm, we will have hot soups and hot cocoa.

TLPOA Board Meeting

Owners are invited to attend the public portion of the meeting via Zoom, starting at 7 pm.

TLPOA Board Meeting

Owners are invited to attend the public portion of the meeting via Zoom, starting at 7 pm.

TLPOA Board Meeting

Owners are invited to attend the public portion of the meeting via Zoom, starting at 7 pm.

Food Drive

Help us help others. Bring your canned, dry, or non-perishable donations to the Timber Lakes Office to benefit the Heber City Food Bank.

Easter Pancake Breakfast

Come have pancakes, hunt for eggs, and meet the Easter Bunny at the Timber Lakes Fire House.

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