For the July 1, 2025 – June 30, 2026 budget year the annual TLPOA assessment is $1,895 per lot (exclusive of mailbox rental). Each year, assessment bills for the upcoming budget year are mailed from the Association to owners by December 31. Assessments for each budget year are due January 1 and are considered delinquent if not paid by March 31. Although a courtesy statement is sent out as a service to owners, the assessment is due and payable even if you do not receive a statement. Owners are responsible for notifying the Association of any change in mailing addresses, email addresses, and telephone numbers. Delinquent owners are subject to additional fees and interest charges.
Note to title companies and new owners: the TLPOA annual assessments are billed 6 months in advance for the next fiscal year (assessment bills for the upcoming budget year are mailed from the Association to owners by December 31, are due January 1, and considered delinquent if not paid by March 31). New owners should ensure they pay the most recent billing, which may not be for the period covered by their statement of adjustments in their closing transactions.
You can view your account and pay your annual assessment on our private, owners-only website.
You can pay your annual assessment online. Please click on the following link for instructions ==> How to Pay Assessments.
Please note we are no longer able to accept your assessment payment in the Timber Lakes office.